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Organic farming

Organic farming is nothing new in the field of agriculture. Anyone who has an inkling about farming and agriculture knows about organic farming and the many benefits that it offers. However, there are certain challenges that only those in this field can comprehend. These challenges hinder the growth of this particular field. These problems also pose a dilemma for conventional farmers who want to get into organic agriculture.

Lack of Awareness

The major problem in this field is the lack of government support. This stems from a lack of awareness. Government officials cannot understand what’s needed in this field because they don’t take the time to really get to know organic agriculture and its many benefits to farmers and the communities that they serve. The inability of the government to create policies that promote organic agriculture is a major stress point for organic farmers.


Farmers cannot secure a premium price for their organic products. Their marketability has to be assured even if the cultivation period is just beginning. Failure to do so will be a setback to the productivity levels of the agriculture farm.

Shortage of Available Organic Matter

The farmers could never be too sure if there is enough organic matter in nature for their crops. Since organic crops cannot contain synthetic and chemical products, farmers are in limbo whether the nutrients available in their chosen area will be enough to cultivate and grow the crops.

Inadequacy of Accrediting Agencies

State governments have not adequately supported the foundation of accrediting agencies for organic products. So far, the accreditations are limited to fruits and vegetables, tea, coffee, spices, and others. This means that when the general public starts looking for accredited organic producers, they will only find a few categories.

High Input Costs

Simply put, organic farming methods are more expensive for farmers. In many parts of the world, those who want to get into organic agriculture must experiment with traditional farming systems because the cost of organic methods is just too high. This discourages farmers from pursuing their goals of producing organic food.

Low Yield

Restoration of the full biological activity of an organic farm that transitioned from a conventional farm will take some time. It may take years before an organic farm can produce organic crops in full. This causes many farmers to walk away from the idea of organic farming.

CropIQ's solutions customized for the organic farming as a principle and our R&D intensively working to develop new solutions for the stratgic challanges of the organic farming.